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  • Writer's pictureBrown Brothers Productions

Ramy (Season 2) Review


Is the story, idea, plot, dialogue authentic and believable? Is it original?

As someone who is an Arab, I can relate to a lot of the situations that are portrayed in the show. I started watching the show after Ramy Youssef won for best actor in a musical or comedy series at the Golden Globes and I quickly fell in love with it. The first season follows Ramy and his family and their lives in New Jersey as Muslim Egyptians. It was really refreshing to see a true Arab family dealing with the crap that my family and I deal with every day. After the success of season 1, they managed to add 2-time Oscar winner Mahershala Ali to the cast as Ramy’s new sheikh who Ramy looks up to. When the season first started, I was disappointed because I felt that it wasn’t as strong as the previous season and I was afraid that they were throwing out the authenticity to make it “more mainstream” But I am happy to say that after the fourth episode, the show rebounds beautifully. The show is well written with not just relatable moments for any Arab living in a predominately white city but clever and funny jokes for everyone. 

Did you care about the main characters, why?

Throughout the first two seasons they make you care about Ramy. You get to know him, and his family and they do a good job making him someone you empathize and connect with. Ramy not only deals with stuff that Arab people deal with, but stuff that everyone can relate to.

Did the sub-plots work? Why?

The writers made sure that everything that was said or done would be relevant and come back at the end. The discussion Ramy has with Sheikh Ali about looking a porn star in the eye comes back when Ramy talks to Mia Khalifa (it makes sense in the show) and the whole Dennis situation that comes back in a major way in the end. They also dedicated episodes to focus on a certain member of the family, each with their own compelling message. Dena (Ramy’s sister) dealing with her faith and “the evil eye”, Maysa (Ramy’s mom) trying to become an American citizen and learning to be more accepting of others, Farouk (Ramy’s dad) attempting to fit in in a “white world” and the struggles that inflects (I particularly resonated with this storyline because this is how I felt when I first moved to Canada, just like how Farouk went by “Frank”, I had to go by “Joe” my first year here because no one could say Yousef.), Uncle Naseem (Ramy’s uncle) battling his sexuality in a culture where he is taught to fight it. 

Story Score: 97/100


Were the actors believable, natural?

Just like how white people knows someone in their family who is exactly like someone from The Goldbergs or Modern Family, I know people in my family who are exactly like the people in this show. I know a Dena, I know a Maysa, I know a Farouk, I know an Uncle Naseem, and I feel like I share many similarities with Ramy (minus the religion and the whole thing with his cousin).

What was the best acted scene in the film, why?

The best acted scene was in Dena’s episode and it’s where she is in a hijab and her car breaks down, so she gets a ride from the guy who is towing her car to the shop, he is trying to be progressive and tells her that “you don’t have to be wearing that thing, it’s a symbol of oppression” It was interesting to watch how someone can be so ignorant and offensive while thinking they are being progressive. I have witnessed family members who have been in situations identical to that, and here it was shown so accurately. You could see the frustration in Dena and the self-righteousness of the other guy, telling her how lucky she is not to be back in her “homeland [where she] would have been too busy getting her clit sawed off to [study] law”

Who was the best actor? Why? Would you cast the actor? For what role?

I think the entire cast does an amazing job. I am so happy to see a cast of Muslims and Arabians get roles for a major network as characters who aren’t terrorists and refugees. Ramy Youssef won a Golden Globe for season one of the show and it is totally deserved. Mahershala Ali reminds you why he is a double Oscar Winner. Amr Waked as Farouk, Hiam Abbass as Maysa, May Calamawy as Dena, Laith Nakli as Uncle Naseem, MaameYaa Boafo as Zainab, Mohammed Amer as Mo, and Dave Merheje as Ahmed all knock it out of the park.

Acting Score: 100/100


How did the following elements influence the mood of the film:


I like the way they transition from scene to scene with a simple cut to black. Ramy Youssef said that he had to edit this from home due to COVID-19 and that he wasn’t sure if he would complete it in time. 


The music is great, it’s a nice mix of traditional Arabic music with a western twist.

Technical Score: 93/100

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Although Ramy season 2 is not as strong as the first, it is still amazing to see a mainstream show produced by a major company (A24/HULU) focused on a Muslim/Arabic family that feature Arabians playing real, dynamic, loveable characters that are not refugees or terrorists. It is a step in the right direction in terms of diversity in Hollywood. 

Both seasons of Ramy are now streaming on HULU (US) & CRAVE (Canada)

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